Sunday, December 11, 2011

Long overdue update

Sorry it has taken me so long to update you and how things are going and how my son is doing.

The outpatient hospital is wonderful.  The teachers are great the therapist are great.  He is learning that he has to be around people and participate.

Is he ready to go back to HS.  No I don't think she.  He is a master at munipulating and he has got to stop it or everyone learn how to turn him another way.

For myself - I am tired.  My day is broken up into hours.  It takes 2 hours to take him to school and pick him up.  I take aerobics for times a week for my fibromyalgia.  I have finally decided I'm just going to have to stink the rest of the day because if I take a shower when I get home I only have about an hour to complete something.

I hate the fact though that during Christmas break he will be on shortened hours - no time off.  He'll have to be there at ten but I'll have to have him there by 9:15 so I can make my aerobics class.  I hope they can do that.  If I miss too many days it makes walking extremely difficult.

I would like to ask that you keep him in your prayers.  So much better to learn these things in a safe place then out in the hard gruel world.

from my world to your world......

1 comment:

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